The post-COVID-19 era has witnessed a surge in widespread e-learning and the integration of new technologies in classrooms. However, the question remains: Do these new e-curricula and their lessons meet current state standards? A study conducted by Rand Corporation amid the pandemic revealed that only one-third of teachers are utilizing curricula that align with the current state standards. However, their study also showed an uptick in the adoption of curricula aligned with the standards since 2019, a shift largely credited to School Districts providing incentives to embrace such aligned curricula.
According to reports from RAND.org, math curricula aligned with standards have taken the lead, particularly in grades K-8. Prior research has demonstrated that the mere existence of academic standards has minimal effect on what happens in classrooms. Yet, efforts to encourage the utilization of curricula that conform to standard expectations, outlining what students should understand, has been motivating. Numerous states are already at the forefront of championing the use of higher quality student materials through participation in the High-Quality Instructional Materials and Professional Development (IMPD) Network. Participating states include California, Connecticut, Kentucky, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Nebraska, Michigan, Mississippi, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin and Wyoming. These states that are focused on improving use of standards-aligned, high-quality instructional materials.
Only 22% of high school teachers surveyed in the spring of 2021 reported using math and reading materials that align with standards. In contrast, approximately 48% of K-8 teachers were found to be employing math curricula aligned with standards, while an average of 29% were using English Language Arts (ELA) materials that align with the standards.
All the research underscores to the need for aligned content. Consequently, more states are requiring publishers to have their content aligned to standards, and often through outside vendors. By utilizing EdGate and our EXACT Platform, every publisher can meet learning requirements for regional, state, national and international. Reach out to learn more about the ExACT platform and how it can simplify the process of ensuring your content to meets current state standards.